7º Encontro Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde Jan'08
Autores: Tomé, Gina; Matos, Margarida Gaspar; Ferreira, Mafalda & Camacho, Inês
Titulo: Consumo de substâncias e isolamento social durante a adolescência
Titulo: Consumo de substâncias e isolamento social durante a adolescência
O grupo de pares tem um papel essencial na formação da identidade dos adolescentes, uma vez que o desenvolvimento de atitudes, opiniões, prioridades e objectivos pode ocorrer no grupo de pares (Sussman, Unger, & Dent, 2004). A influência do grupo de pares é geralmente assumida como negativa, pois pode desempenhar um papel importante no desenvolvimento e manutenção dos comportamentos de risco (La Greca, Prinstein, & Fetter, 2001), dessa forma o grupo é, por vezes, percebido como responsável pelas influências negativas, nomeadamente pelos comportamentos desviantes, o consumo de substâncias, ou o afastamento da escola (Peixoto et al., 2001).
Com objectivo de explorar a associação entre o grupo de pares, o consumo de substâncias e a solidão, através de uma amostra constituída pelos sujeitos participantes no estudo realizado em Portugal Continental, que integra o estudo Europeu HBSC- Health Beaviour in School-aged Children, incluindo alunos do 6º, 8º e 10º anos de escolaridade de escolas públicas do país, com média de idades igual a 14 anos, num total de 4877 adolescentes, onde se utilizou o questionário do HBSC, que no estudo português seguiu o formato indicado no protocolo (Currie, et al., 2001), os resultados encontrados revelaram que os adolescentes que não têm amigos são os que mais consomem substâncias ilícitas e mais se sentem sozinhos.
Enquanto que normalmente se associa os consumos ao grupo de pares consumidores ou apresentando outros comportamentos de risco, estes resultados vêm alertar para os comportamentos de risco associados aos adolescentes socialmente isolados.
1º Congresso Internacional em Estudos da Criança Fev'08

2nd International Conference on Conmunity Psychology Jun'08
Authors: Ferreira, Mafalda; Simões, Celeste; Tomé, Gina; & Matos, Margarida Gaspar
Title: Behaviour and Lifestyles of adolescents with special educational needs (SEN)
Objective: The project “Risk and resilience in the adolescents with special educational needs (SEN)” intends to contribute for the knowledge of the behaviours and life styles of the adolescents with SEN in some contexts of its life.
Method: To get a representative sample, 143 Portuguese public schools of regular education had been selected randomly, for each school had been sent three questionnaires: Risk and Resilience Questionnaire, destined to the young with SEN; HBSC/OMS Questionnaire, destined to the adolescents who frequented 6th, 8th and 10th grades; and KIDSCREEN/CE Questionnaire, destined to the children and adolescents who frequented 5th and 7th grades, both integrated in the European study “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children”.
Results: Results indicate adolescents that are relate to have health problems (deficiency or chronic illness), in comparison with the adolescents whom do not relate to have this type of problems, present a larger involvement in fights and provocations, relate to be more unsatisfied with its corporal image, more difficulties in communication with the family and in the relation with friends, a lesser leisure time and are felt less happy.
Key Words: Resilience, Special Educational Needs, Adolescence
Title: Behaviour and Lifestyles of adolescents with special educational needs (SEN)
Objective: The project “Risk and resilience in the adolescents with special educational needs (SEN)” intends to contribute for the knowledge of the behaviours and life styles of the adolescents with SEN in some contexts of its life.
Method: To get a representative sample, 143 Portuguese public schools of regular education had been selected randomly, for each school had been sent three questionnaires: Risk and Resilience Questionnaire, destined to the young with SEN; HBSC/OMS Questionnaire, destined to the adolescents who frequented 6th, 8th and 10th grades; and KIDSCREEN/CE Questionnaire, destined to the children and adolescents who frequented 5th and 7th grades, both integrated in the European study “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children”.
Results: Results indicate adolescents that are relate to have health problems (deficiency or chronic illness), in comparison with the adolescents whom do not relate to have this type of problems, present a larger involvement in fights and provocations, relate to be more unsatisfied with its corporal image, more difficulties in communication with the family and in the relation with friends, a lesser leisure time and are felt less happy.
Key Words: Resilience, Special Educational Needs, Adolescence
School Violence 4th Wordl Conference in Lisbon Jun'08
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